Why We Value Community Performance
The Movement Project Performance Company alongside Tap Team have been busy performing at the Ashland Farmer's Market, Celebrate Holliston and Ashland Day. There are times when outdoor performances are nerve wracking for dancers and

directors alike. Will it rain? How large is the space? What is the stage like? Will it be slippery? There are countless factors that are often out of our control. Unlike the recital, their performance is typically not the only priority at the community event. There are many different types of talent scheduled. The unpredictability is a good life lesson for me (a confessed control freak) and our students who often perform their large concerts on a proscenium stage with countless volunteers and professional backstage crew to take care of any issues that may arise. Community performances build character and flexibility. It often promotes quick problem solving and teamwork.
Community performance is a gift. We are asked to share with the community what it is we do behind closed doors 6 days a week. There is an audience we may never reach at the studio. Some of our nicest compliments have come from audience members at community events. These events tie us to what is important within our community. It ties dance into the importance of these events essentially raising the profile of dance education in general.
Most importantly, these community events are a lot of fun. Our dancers have countless stories about their performances - what they did well, that time when they fell, etc. As we look forward to our next community performance in October I would like to say thank you to all the volunteers/sponsors/coordinators and event staff that make all of these opportunities a possibility. We love being a part of each and every one.